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A Casa Fortuna

In the heart of Portugal, between mountains and rivers

A comfortable home in an impressive landscape, Casa Fortuna offers you the perfect retreat from the daily grind.

In this spacious house, located on the edge of the small village of São João da Boã Vista, you can refocus on yourself and escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Comfortable home in the middle of the impressive landscapes of the province of Beira AltaComfortable home in the middle of the impressive landscapes of the province of Beira Alta

Give yourself time to let go of stress and pressure, to recharge in the quiet or to express your creativity. - Write the book you've always wanted to write. Use this charismatic place as an ideal "home office", perhaps even as a test phase for your long-awaited departure to a more authentic life in Portugal. - You'll find like-minded people in the area.

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